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          Quality Concept
          ¡¡¡¡With concept of "High Quality lead to existence, High Quality leads to reputation, High Quality leads to development , High Quality lead to benifit" Shanghai Tongyang Pipe Fittings Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to quality. So every production process will be strictly in accordance with corresponding standard from raw material to finished product to make sure each product 100% qualified.
          ¡¡¡¡Technology Innovation is enterprise's living source. Talent is enterprise's Core of Innovation and foundation of enterprise's existence. Tongyang will insist on continuously innovation to provide more and more new products to customers all over the world .
          1. To achieve qualified product ¡Ý95%.
          2. To achieve on-time delivery ¡Ý98%
          3. To achieve customer satisfaction ¡Ý92%
          TEL: 86-021-36304062 FAX: 86-021-36304052 E-mail: info@tongyangpipe.com
          Copyright © 2005 Shanghai Tongyang Pipe Fittings Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
          Address: Xinzhuang Industry Zone ,Shanghai, China   

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